Mission Statement

Amerson Ministries International is commissioned to go to the neglected and untrained saints of the world, teach them the deep purposes and principles of God, train them in His ways, and disciple them in the Ressurection Life of Christ. We do this by teaching classes, in our home or in villages, training local leaders in churches, having Bible studies and discipling the ones God puts in our lives. We also teach children’s programs, Sunday School teachers, teacher’s college students and do lessons in schools.We do not support local people financially, build buildings or sponsor people. Our aim is to do as Matt. 10:8 says, “Freely you have received, freely give,” by giving the spiritual life God has put in our hearts. However, giving is one of the largest portions of our budget! We just refuse to
become a source of income for anyone. We have learned not to be motivated by need, but
instead, we are motivated by obedience. There is not enough money printed to meet the needs of the world, but there is One Life that can fill every need.